2016年の瀬戸内国際芸術祭 秋会期中では新作『Re-ing-A』を三豊市の子供たちと恊働で制作・展示を行い、「一昨日丸」は粟島の桟橋に停泊しながら、不定期で沖に出て海底探査の様子を見学できるツアー形式のワークショップを開催しました。
The project is composed by Museum”OTOTOIMARU” that exhibits antiquities salvaged from the bottom of the ocean and “SOKOSOKO- Souzousho”. Participants are able to draw and imagine antiquities where they hold permanent exhibitions formerly at Marine school in Awashima. It’s ongoing since 2013.
Through the project, participants are able to enjoy antiquities and connect the primitive ocean and our life while imagining the ocean under the ship.
Recently, we made and exhibited a new artwork “Reing-A” by a collaboration with Mitoyo city children. In addition, “OTOTOIMARU” held a workshop tour at Setouchi Art triennale 2016.
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