20181026 収穫祭(撮影:森本早紀)
あしたのその次を思い描く『明後日新聞文化事業部』は、「大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ2003」において、アーティスト日比野克彦を社主として、新潟県東頸城郡松代町莇平(現在の十日町市莇平)の廃校を本社に発足しました。
“ASATTE ASAGAO cultural division” which is a one of HIBINO’s project based in an abolished school in Azamihira, Matsudai, Niigata when Echigo Tsumari art triennale 2003 by HIBINO that lets us imagin tomorrow beyond tomorrow.
We make relationships with the local people through a once a month newspaper based on the village, by participating in the village events and by holding workshops every time, even in seasons other than the triennale.
Then we attempt to grow morning glory together since it was the beginning of the project.
The seeds of morning glory start making big networks to connect people and people, people and another community. The seeds are then sent throughout Japan.
In 2017, “ASATTE ASAGAO cultural division” celebrated the 15th anniversary of its establishment.
=2018年 想像する家、タバコハウス、幸七ギャラリー掃除、ウッドデッキ設営、ロープ張り=
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